The Lost Filipino

Geopoet writes the realism of the political spectrum of the Philippines from the ground of the Filipino masses. It portrays the realistic views of the small people who felt they are wrought of mass poverty as a result of so much political squabbles and bickering both from the top and lowest echelon of their own government. This is their story...our own story and it starts now... Get Paid to Take Surveys

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


The recent directives of Malacañang to Dangerous Drug Board (DDB) and Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency (PDEA) to “undertake real good intelligence” can be perceived by many as a wake up call to some of our law enforcement on drugs which has been on deep sleep.

This pronouncement only exemplified the long and deep collusion by some officials in the government, both top and low, who have been passively undertaking a drug campaign but in a way that will also create a leeway for inside consideration, but not until recently when the Alabang Boys were caught in a dragnet buy-bust operation by PDEA, that this anti-drug campaign have risen up to the limelight.

What is more intriguing was the recent unanimous letter sent to Secretary Gonzales of DOJ unveiling an alleged bribery in one of the DOJ Prosecutors which was recently confirmed by deposits of a whooping P800,000.00 on both husband and wife bank accounts who claimed that the same are receipts from their lending business. But, the question is: “Why is it done on the same date when the DOJ Prosecutor issued a dismissal resolution on the Alabang Boys?”

Surely, this particular event only confirms the allegations of PDEA that there was indeed an attempted bribery. It would also clearly indicate that when the parents of Alabang Boys were not able to get affirmation from the PDEA to release their sons through cash consideration, they pursued their aims at getting into the very fiber of justice disposition: Bribe the DOJ Prosecutor(s)!

When DOJ claimed that there was no probable cause to pursue a case against the Alabang Boys, the PDEA decided a cut-out scenario to open this “justice intrigue” to the eyes of the watching public and allowed it to simmer deep down the minds of those in collusion with the drug lords and dealers.

The PDEA’s psychological strategic operation plan worked! The DOJ sleeping volcano erupted ferociously!

The DOJ Prosecutors threatened a mass leave of absence purposely to air their grievances against the accusations of the PDEA which eventually aggravated the situation into an alarming swipe shaking the very foundation of a long-time secret combination ---The Justice Conspiracy! It shouted to the open from its deepest den and unearthed the Pandora Box!

The PDEA Intelligence Analyst has done well in this thing. He knows that the alarming drug situation in the country will not be pursued more vigorously when the general public will be set aside as mere spectators or victims.

In the next coming days, we can expect that there will be a lot smell that will spawn from the bowls of DOJ; even top government officials will be linked when the ultimate scenario will come into view.

Ordinary people will surely respond to any call by PDEA to come into the surface and reveal this justice conspiracy. Finger pointing will be a continuous indicator to unearth the long-buried secret combination of these government officials.

To PDEA: Just keep working on. The trail to the next Pandora Box is about to unveil the rotten view of our justice system. It would surely shake the bureaucratic guild, and people from high echelons will begin their vacation outside the park of our justice system.

By the way, why is Congress not rumbling down to conduct a separate investigation more thoroughly "in aide of legislation?" Just asking...(Ngehehehhe...)

Anyway, I am just watching from deep down here. Sirs, just keep up the good work. REMEMBER: BRAVERY, COURAGE, INTEGRITY.

Note: This article is also published in Rempola.Net Get Paid to Take Surveys